Interview: Stand Up Comedian Brian Moreno
This week Stand Up Comedian Brian Moreno checks into The Man Cave Chronicles Podcast. He is an LA comedian and actor that got his start at the House of Blues on Sunset as an emcee and their in-house comedian. He started House of Blues Comedy which became one of the hottest shows in LA until the House of Blues shut down. From there the Hollywood Improv brought him in where he now performs regularly and also has a monthly show with all of his hilarious friends just as it was at the House of Blues. If you have never seen Brian perform, he is one of kind with great energy, a smart sense of humor, a wild perspective on life and some of the craziest stories you have ever heard. You can check out his site at find him on twitter @MorenoTheAlien and Instagram at morenothealien. Email the show Twitter @themccpodcast Instagram the_mancave_chronicles_podcast