007 Steve Jensen - Sales Skills for Success

Steve Jensen is the CEO and founder of Impact Training Corporation and The National Sales Academy. His training programs have been boosting thousands of business profits and countless numbers of directors, owners, managers and sales professional's incomes since 1982. He is a master practitioner and trainer of NLP, a graduate of Tom Hopkins academy of Sales Excellence and a Certified DISC Presenter.  His company, Impact Training Corporation, is one of the world's leading sales and communication training and consulting companies. During this episode, we ask Steve 3 questions: What is the #1 area fitness businesses are consistently strong in sales and where are they consistently weak in sales? What has evolved in the sales process to meet the modern business? What are 3 areas a fitness business needs to fire in, if they want more sales? Also in this week’s show,  we hear more from Tribe Team Training, the complete small group training business system that’s helping clubs make more money without having to sell more memberships.  Visit www.ActiveMgmt.com.auEmail: info@activemgmt.com.auPhone: +61 2 9484 5501Twitter: @JTActiveMgmt  

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