Episode 14: Upwork's Zoe Harte on Freelancers
Talented people don't want to work for your company for decades. Simply put, the incentives to do so no longer exist. "There's no gold watch for anybody anymore," says Zoe Harte, senior vice president of HR and talent innovation for Upwork, a Silicon Valley-based technology company that matches companies and freelance workers. So why wouldn't you consider freelancers when designing your learning and development programs? In this episode of the Chief Learning Officer Podcast, Zoe makes the case for crafting targeted programs to onboard and develop them as part of your learning strategy. How do you do that? Here's a hint: Freelancers are people, too. Just like everyone else, they need to understand the purpose and mission of your company in order to do their best work. Plus, she and co-host Justin Lombardo talk about the value retired executives can bring to the company and how to make sure your internal team is ready to work with freelancers. This episode of the Chief Learning Officer Podcast is brought to by Bridge, the makers of Practice. Practice can scale the competency and confidence of your teams to ensure your organization thrives in today’s fast changing, unpredictable world. Visit getbridge.com to learn more. This episode is also sponsored by BetterUp. Help your organization cultivate a coaching culture with BetterUp, the industry’s first mobile platform that provides personalized coaching at scale. Learn more by visiting betterup.co. Podcast Producer: Jesse McQuarters.