6- Dr. Sudy Majd @Candid Co: How to do user research rooted in business II
Sudy Majd is a customer experience research lead at Candid Co. In the fifth episode, I spoke with Bobby, a colleague of Sudy, and we talked a lot about the way they do user research at Candid Co so it only made sense to dive deeper into these topics with Sudy. She has a PhD specialized in consumer behavior and behavioral economics.
In the episode we spoke about:
- doing proactive user research that anticipates rather than reacts to business challenges,
- how to mix qualitative and quantitative research methods,
- and how to find the right profiles for your research questions.
Show notes:
- 1:50 What did Sudy do before joining Candid Co?
- 6:20 How does academia work translate into Sudy's work at Candid Co?
- 8:20 An example of behavioral economic applied to Candid Co
- 11:00 How to proactively create briefs for user research
- 15:10 Research methods that Sudy uses in her work
- 19:50 What is a suitable sample size for quantitative and qualitative research
- 22:05 How to phrase questions for interviews and questionnaires
- 26:50 How to find the right profiles for user research?
- 35:30 How to bundle different research questions in one study
- 37:20 How does Sudy synthesise learnings?
- 39:30 What are the common mistakes that beginners make?
- 42:10 Who is part of the research team at Candid Co?
- 43:20 What one thing about design that surprised Sudy in a positive and one in a negative way?