Jamia Wilson on Why Advocacy is Important
In this episode I talk with Executive Director of The Feminist Press Jamia Wilson to talk about these concepts. Wilson discusses why showing up matters, different forms of activism, allyship, and advocacy. We discuss how to be an ally and join a movement, the importance of deep listening, and how to put your privilege to work. You'll walk away with fresh ideas to put to work in your community, with an inspired mindset to motivate you to show up in this world during a critical moment in history.
We also talk about:
- Why showing up matters
- How to get men involved
- Organizations & ways to support
Show Notes:
- 7:00—What it means to live through a cultural zeitgeist moment
- 10:00—Why it's important to stay the course
- 11:00–Why she feels fortunate to be alive during this time
- 15:00—The lesson of this time period
- 25:00—Community solidarity
- 28:00—How to be an ally and join a movement
- 33:00—Why silenced voices are the most important
- Organizations Jamia Mentions: Sylvia Rivera Law Project (SRLP) | GLAD—Support LGBTQX & Media Monitoring | Lambda Legal | ACLU | Audre Lorde Project | Third Wave Fund—Doing cutting edge work supporting young WOC queer movements
- Visit Jamia Wilson on: Website | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook
- Jamia's Books: Young, Gifted and Black | Step Into Your Power | The ABC's of AOC | Roadmap for Revolutionaries | Together We Rise
- Jamia's Favorite Feminist Book: I love Myself When I Am Laughing, Zora Neale Hurston
- Check Out Feminist Press
- Ways to support: Donating, volunteer at local rape crisis center, domestic violence center, on a women's campaign, for any other non-profit that you care about that does feminist work, join a board, join a youth board, if you have a specific expertise you can offer—ask if you can offer that, buy books from independent book stores, buy from