Climate, It Is (Still) A-Changin' Part 2 Redux
Woah woah, we got the end of our first little microseries -- this time wrapping up CLIMATE CHANGE. In this episode, Sean tries to convince Nathan that doomsday scenarios are not cool, they're serious business. The dudes walk through the different potential climate scenarios, and some of the potential ways we can mitigate and reverse climate change. If you thought the first episode was dismal, this one really kind of turns it around near the end, sorta. Yeah!Errors n stuff: Nathan loves asking Sean what metric stuff is in USA-units, and Sean got one wrong -- he said 1.5C was 'a little under 4 degrees F', which is dum dum talk because every degree Celsius is 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit, so 1.5C is 2.7F. But whatever man, like, sometimes numbers are hard for some people.If you want to hit us up, email us at petridishpod at or tweeters at us @dishpodcast because we do that now. Sign up for our Patreon at to help validate our existence! Thanks for listening, everyone! References: