414 - Coin Concede "Coinamoly Concede"
There's a lot of new stuff in the Fall of Ul'duar patch, and the crew talks about the new decks we've played, and how we feel about anomalies in constructed now that we've gotten to play with them.
News – 25:05
- Patch 27.4
- Anomalies
- C'thun Legendary Portrait
- Battlegrounds
- New Damage Cap
- New Anomalies
- Next Twist season format confirmed
- Bug fixes and known issues
- Hearthstone Wiki moved from Fandom to Wiki.gg
- Matt London leaving Hearthstone
Decksplanations – 1:26:10
- New decks!
- Tentacle Rogue
- Miracle Druid
- Pain Warlock
- Elemental Mage
- Spell Demon Hunter
- Egg Hunter
- Yogg Priest
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