0139: The 6 Principles of Sexual Health in the Context of Mormonism

Jeff Lundgren hosts this episode of Mormon Sex Info. He is joined by Rachel Brown, LCSW, who works with those going through a faith transition/changing their relationship with the LDS church. 
In this episode, Jeff and Rachel discuss the 6 principles of sexual health by Doug Braun Harvey in the context of the Mormon experience. The 6 principles include:

  1. Consent
  2. Non-Exploitative
  3. Honesty
  4. Shared Values
  5. Protection from STIs, HIV and unwanted Pregnancies
  6. Mutual Pleasure

To find out more on the 6 principles, you can visit: 
And/or check out the series Natasha Helfer did with Doug Braun Harvey on 6 principles of Sexual Health:

  1. Consent: https://mormonsex.info/2017/10/22/057-sexual-principle-1-consent/
  2. Non-Exploitative: https://mormonsex.info/2017/11/21/058-sexual-principle-2-non-exploitative/
  3. Honesty: https://mormonsex.info/2018/01/15/062-sexual-principle-4-honesty/
  4. Shared Values: https://mormonsex.info/2018/02/05/066-sexual-principle-5-shared-values/
  5. Protection from STIs, HIV and unwanted Pregnancies
    1. Part 1: https://mormonsex.info/2017/11/29/059-sexual-principle-3-unwanted-pregnancy/
    2. Part 2: https://mormonsex.info/2017/12/19/060-sexual-principle-3-avoiding-stis/
  6. Mutual Pleasure: https://mormonsex.info/2018/03/12/071-sexual-principle-6-mutual-pleasure/
  7. Complicating the 6 principles of sexual health: https://mormonsex.info/2018/04/09/075-complicating-the-6-sexual-health-principles/

To find out more about Jeff, visit Wasatch Family Therapy in Sandy, Utah.
To contact Rachel, email her at wandercounseling@gmail.com.

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