Women In Constituent Assembly
This edition of the Takshashila Podcast describes Priyadarshini Ravichandran's (@binaryfootprint) project on women in India's Constituent Assembly. Hosted by Varun Ramachandra(@_quale). You can find out more about The Takshashila Institution by visiting our website: www.takshashila.org.in Books/Resources Discussed: 1) The Indian Constitution: Cornerstone of a Nation - Granville Austin 2) Working a Democratic Constitution: The Indian Experience - Granville Austin 3) The Constituent Assembly Debates 4) Rajya Sabha 5) 10 Judgements that Changed India - Zia Mody. Varun's review of the book can be found: http://pragati.nationalinterest.in/2015/03/judgements-that-changed-india/ 6) Priya's works can be found at her blog 15 for the republic(https://15fortherepublic.wordpress.com/) 7) She has also written on this subject for Mint Lounge(http://www.livemint.com/Leisure/dLi6ZIdW6CgswZCGdOA9VM/The-women-who-helped-draft-our-constitution.html) and was interviewed by The Ladies Finger group(http://theladiesfinger.com/women-helped-draft-constitution-heres-blog-tells-us/) Errors: 1. The Federalist and Anti-Federalist papers. It is mentioned that the federalist papers were written by Jefferson. The federalist papers were written by Hamilton, John Jay and Madison. 2. During the discussion it was mentioned that the constituent assembly debates went on for 2 years 11 months, from December 1946 - November 1950. The latter year needs to be November 1949.