Ep. 25: Buu Saga: The Problem Child of Dragonball Z
Dragonball Z is one of the most successful anime ever created. It remains a cornerstone of the shounen genre, and it was so influential that people around the world think of DBZ when anime is mentioned. However, while being an undisputed classic, Dragonball Z is not a perfect show. Hardcore and casual fans alike have long debated the quality of the final arc of the show: The Buu Saga.
This week, Ricky and Ethan dissect The Buu Saga to get to the heart of this arc. Why has this saga been steeped in mixed opinions within the DBZ community? Why does The Buu Saga feel lackluster despite having such iconic moments? How could the story have been changed for the better? The Weebologists try to answer these questions in this weeks episode!
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Intro / Outro Song
Our theme song is:
Dreams By Dj Quads https://youtu.be/iiRCmcP_jlc
Artist SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/aka-dj-quads
Music Promoted by https://goo.gl/5NfMV4
Please check out his music and support this awesome artist!