Character Dialogue (with Felix Foster)
This week, your nice hosts are introduced by Felix Foster, writer and narrative designer, to talk about character dialogue (or dialog, as was deemed also appropriate during the show).
Character Dialogue Game DesignProductionFelix mentions The Prophet from The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, who is looking for… - xenmordoc, YouTubeHere’s examples of audio logs from Bioshock Infinite. - YouTubeFallout 4’s 'Full Dialogue' Mod Makes The Game Way Better - Kirk Hamilton, KotakuBranching Conversation Systems and the Working Writer, Part 1: Introduction - Alexander Freed, Game DeveloperClementine Won't Remember That: The False Promises of Telltale's The Walking De… - Matthew Byrd, , Den of Geek We talked about character creation and motivations in a previous episode, "Shaniqua Shepard sounds cool."Felix FosterGuestFelix Foster is a writer and narrative designer. He is on the board of Twin Cities Pride.
External link @felixxx244Felix is on Instagram @felixxx244