"This misinformation vortex." One year of Nice Games Club! Imposter Syndrome (revisited); Conferences / Gaming Events (revisited); VR Development (revisited); Prototyping (revisited); Messages and Meanings (revisited); Strategy Guides (revisited); The Fu
It’s a very special episode, as your nice hosts celebrate one year(!!!) of Nice Games Club by revising their favorite topics from the show’s first 50+ episodes. Also: Mark complains about Las Vegas, Martha repeatedly gets the last laugh, and Stephen doesn’t like talking about his problems.
Imposter Syndrome (revisited) 0:03:06 Stephen McGregorIRLImpostor Syndrome Is Not Just a Confidence Problem - Alicia Liu, Medium Conferences / Gaming Events (revisited) 0:14:20 Mark LaCroixEventsGamingAdobe’s prototype AI tools let you instantly edit photos and videos - James Vincent, The VergeSo Adobe XD CC is out, what now? - Alexander Dimitrov, Prototypr VR Development (revisited) 0:24:50 Martha MegarryVR / AR / XRWe never miss an opportunity to plug Beach Ball Valley. - SteamGoogle BlocksLogitech made a VR keyboard kit so you can type in the Vive - Adi Robertson, The VergeEVE developers CCP pulling out of VR - Adam Smith, Rock Paper ShotgunOculus is closing its VR film studio - Adi Robertson, The VergeGoogle acquires Owlchemy Labs VR game studio - Lucas Matney , TechCrunchWindows Mixed Reality Headsets Gain SteamVR Support, a Library of VR Games - Anton Shilov, AnandTech Prototyping (revisited) 0:40:08 Game DesignProduction This topic revisits our episode "Pick up all the things."15 Top Prototyping Tools Go Head-to-Head - Dave Kearney and Daniel Schwarz, SitepointYouthprise Messages and Meanings (revisited) 0:48:44 Mark LaCroixGame Design This topic revisits our episode "We are artists and we should be artists." Strategy Guides (revisited) 1:06:04 Stephen McGregorGaming This topic revisits our episode "We are artists and we should be artists." The Future of Nice Games Club 1:13:57 Meta