"Boo!" Upcoming Games; Release Dates; Win Conditions
In our first (and likely only ever) Halloween episode, Martha haunts the clubhouse, Mark delivers some bad Zelda-related news to Stephen, and from Stephen’s topic a thousand flowers bloom.
Upcoming Games 0:04:41 Mark LaCroixGamingTech Interview: Destiny 2 and Bungie's return to PC gaming - Richard Leadbetter, Eurogamer18 new Nintendo Switch games are out this week — the most ever - Allegra Frank, PolygonPokemon Stars: all the latest leaks from the confirmed Nintendo Switch game - Emma Boyle, TechRadar[Your Name] the Hedgehog - Know Your Meme Release Dates 0:20:58 Mark LaCroixMarketingThe Dark Night Rises had No Competition at the Box Office - Jim Pagels, SlateThe Weird Reason Why Video Games Are Released On Tuesdays - Karyne Levy, Business InsiderWe asked folks at r/gamedev about release date strategies. Thanks to those who contributed to this episode!
Win Conditions 0:31:07 Stephen McGregorGame DesignLoot Boxes Are Designed To Exploit Us - Heather Alexandra,, KotakuHow Game Designers Protect Players From Themselves - Game Maker's Toolkit, YouTubeThe long, hard, journey behind the design of Dead Cells’ player builds - Alex Wiltshire, Rock Paper ShotgunDesert Bus For Hope