"Qapla'!" Intro to Linguistics for Game Developers; Making Your Own Tools
This week, Martha has so much to talk about that she runs out of time, Stephen espouses the virtues of building your own gamedev tools, and Mark names the episode after a Star Trek thing because it's his birthday today so he gets to.
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Intro to Linguistics for Game Developers 0:03:31 Martha MegarryAudioGame DesignThe Legend of Zelda’s Hylian Language - FandomThe Language Creation SocietyA list of constructed languages in video games. - WikipediaMyst’s created language, D’ni. - FandomUK Professors Go Primal With 'Far Cry' - Gail Hairston, University of KentuckySIL’s Glossary of Linguistics article on sonority scale - SILSkyrim’s Dragon Shouts - Matt Miller, Game InformerOmniglot is an encyclopedia of writing systems and languages - OmniglotThe Conlangers Library game list - Conlangers LibraryNo Man’s Sky guide: alien races, languages and Monolith puzzles - Jeffrey Parkin, PolygonThe Rosetta Stone in Fez (Pretty obvious clue in hindsight.) - mykwud, YouTubeTwitter Blowup Leads to Sudden Cancellation of Fez II - Owen Good, KotakuPlaying the Birth and Death of Language in 'Dialect' - Alex Roberts, WaypointScientology’s enturbulating lingo - Britt Peterson, The Boston GlobeKathryn Hymes on Twitter - @chiclashaw, TwitterThe Language Construction Kit, a book Martha recommended, is available for free… - bookDescribing Morphosyntax: A Guide For Field Linguists is the other book Martha r… - bookSpeaking ‘Star Trek’: Meet the Man Who Made Up the Klingon Language - Matt Blitz, Popular MechanicsThe Klingon Language Institute is a thing that exists.International Phonetic Alphabet - WikipediaMass Effect: Meeting the Elcor Ambassador - Thieving HIppo, YouTubeGaming’s favorite VR mouse uses sign language in the cutest way - Allegra Frank, PolygonCantonese vs. Mandarin - Off the Great Wall, YouTubeFeast Your Eyes on This Beautiful Linguistic Family Tree - Arika Okrent, Mental FlossThe Conlangery Podcast is a neat podcast about linguistics and conlang. - Podcast Making Your Own Tools 0:44:57 Stephen McGregorTools We referenced a few of our episodes during the show: "75% sure.""The Stevechievement."GDC 2017 Special (Part 1)GDC 2017 Special (Part 2)Stephen’s tool he recently made for Fingeance. - Stephen McGregor, TwitterTech Toolbox microtalks at GDC 2017 - GDCOur friends at Howling Moon made Super Fast Soft Shadow. - Unity