Evil Games Club!
Mwa ha ha! For our first villainous episode, your evil hosts discuss what their deal is, do a deep dive into Quantic Foundry's Gamer Motivation Profile, and rail against Mario Kart battle mode. Enjoy! Or don't! We don't care! We're evil!
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An Evil Introduction 0:01:44 Dale LaCroixIRLPlay every game from this year's Train Jam - Charlie Hall, PolygonWash my HandsBlind Shootout Dylan was a guest on Nice Games Club for two episodes from GDC. GDC 2017 Special (Part 1)GDC 2017 Special (Part 2)http://www.phpbbhq.com/developmentofphp.phpRen'Py, a visual novel engineInk, a scripting/markup language for visual novelsChoiceScript, a programming language for choose-your-own-adventure games Adia has been a guest on Nice Games Club for two Co-op Recap episodes: Co-op Recap: Interactive Fiction Adia was also on this Co-op Recap episode! Co-op Recap: TransmediaWhy Rubber Duck Debugging is the best way to debug your code - Alec Morgana, ZenHubFingeance, Escape Industries Gamer Motivation Profile 0:15:20 Adia AldersonGamingIRLGamer Modivation Profile - Quantic FoundryLEGO City Undercover still has some lengthy load times on Switch - Chris Carter, DestructoidA Critique of Radar Charts - Grahm Odds, Scott LogicZelda: Breath of the Wild rupee farming - How to make rupees with bowling - Jake Lear and Jeff Ramos, PolygonThe Natural: The Trouble Portraying Blackness in Video Games - Evan Narcisse, KotakuAt E3 2017, Black Characters' Hair Looks Better Than Ever - Gita Jackson, KotakuAnimal Crossing Fans Want More Than Just White Skin Colors In New Leaf - Patricia Hernandez, KotakuThe Complete, Untold History of Halo - Steve Haske, ViceThe Story Behind Mass Effect: Andromeda's Troubled Five-Year Development - Jason Schreier, KotakuLet's Talk About: The cultural significance of Saints Row 4 - Chris Plante, PolygonThe Secret Behind Scribblenauts: Making Objects By Hand (And Lots Of Crunch) - Jason Schreier, KotakuNo links for this section, just evil talk.