Extracurricular Activities (with Ryan Foss)
Once a month, the Twin Cities chapter of the International Game Developers Association holds a public meetup, where all are welcome to view presentations, plug their projects, and network with others.
As chair of the IGDA-TC, Ryan Foss coordinates and hosts the meetup, and his example helps foster a welcoming and supportive environment for Twin Cities gamedevs. In this episode, we talk to Ryan about what it takes to maintain an "extracurricular activity."
Extracurricular Activities EventsIRLInternational Game Developers Association, Twin CitiesMinnesota Virtual Reality and Human-Computer Interaction GroupIGDA-TC podcastRyan FossGuestAs chair of the IGDA-TC, Ryan Foss coordinates and hosts the meetup, and his example helps foster a welcoming and supportive environment for Twin Cities gamedevs.
External link Independent Game Developers Association, Twin Cities Chapter