#4: Terrace House Tokyo Wk. 27 Recap - Panda Depress (Vivi Meets Ryo For the 1st Time, Tupas a Emika Share A Moment, a Hana's World Falls Apart)
What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object? Well, look no further than Vivi and Ryo meeting for the first time on Terrace House. Did any of that make sense? Not really. But who cares? Week 27, "I Can't Be Here" - ikooo! Episode Outline: Summary Breakdown of Week 27 Episode Awards (Highlight of the Night, MVP, Defensive Player of the Episode (aka biggest cockblock), Favorite Quote, Most Improved Player, Favorite Panel Take/Discussion, Most Cringeworthy Moment) Relationship Corner: When An Outside Threat Encroaches Upon Your Crush Intro a Outro Music Brought to you by: Run River North - Wake Up (Acoustic Version) Follow Them On All Socials Under: @RunRiverNorth Follow us on all Socials: Twitter: @TerraceHeartPod Instagram: @terraceupmyheart YouTube: Terrace Up My Heart Individual Accounts: Host: Jonathan Hernandez (@jhun88) Co-Host: Lucy Li (@luchay) Co-Host: Daniel Chae (@danielchae) Please Rate and Review us 5-Stars on Apple Podcasts! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app