Rotten Banana Podcast - Jay Starrett Interview
Logan and Ali are joined by the rookie legend himself, Jay Starrett of The Challenge and Survivor fame! We chatted about if they actually play music in the CligLoo, his previous relationship with Natalie, finding himself partnered with Challenge legend Theresa, what other reality show he would thrive on, getting 2 weird seasons/formats to start his Challenge career, Ponderosa life vs post-elimination on The Challenge, biggest difference in political strategy in the shows he's done, whether he tried to make pregame alliances on Double Agents, who his secret bro-mance was with this season, and so much more! ↓↓↓↓ If YOU want to call into the Rotten Banana Podcast: visit our Patreon and sign up ↓↓↓↓ / Links / Etc: