#148 - How To Cultivate Strength In All Areas Of Your Life with John Welbourn and Chris McQuilkin
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Listeners can find John Welbourn and Chris McQuilkin at their website http://powerathletehq.com and on Instagram @powerathletehq
John Welbourn is the Founder and CEO of Power Athlete. He is also the creator of the online training phenomenon, Johnnie WOD. He is a 9 year veteran of the NFL. John was drafted with the 97th pick in the 1999 NFL Draft and went on to be a starter for the Philadelphia Eagles from 1999-2003, appearing in 3 NFC Championship games, and a starter for the Kansas City Chiefs from 2004-2007. In 2008, he played with the New England Patriots until an injury ended his season early with him retiring in 2009. Over the course of his career, John has started over 100 games and has 10 playoff appearances. He was a four-year letterman while playing football at the University of California at Berkeley. He graduated with a bachelor's degree in Rhetoric in 1998. John has worked with the MLB, NFL, NHL, Olympic athletes, and US Military. He travels the world lecturing on performance and nutrition for Power Athlete. You can catch up with John weekly on his podcast, Power Athlete Radio, as well as his personal blog on training, food, and life, TalkToMeJohnnie.com.
Coach McQuilkin is the Director of Training and Education for Power Athlete, a worldwide strength and conditioning organization focused on empowering performance. Chris has led over 100 clinics across 16 countries spanning 6 continents introducing the Power Athlete Methodology to athletes, sports medicine professionals, performance and sports coaches. He has coached and implemented programs for tactical athletes including Naval Special Warfare and US Army XVIII Airborne Corps. Coached collegiately with Georgetown University, Marymount University, as well as interned with the University of Texas at Austin's football program. Apprenticed under John Welbourn and Raphael Ruiz studying the proper implementation of science-based, performance-driven training systems. Chris is currently based outside Austin, Texas creating online education content, coaching high school lacrosse, and traveling to lead in-person clinics covering athleticism development, barbell training, and speed development.
In this episode, we chat all about the power of raising strong and confident children in modern society, the benefits of investing in an individualized training plan, mindset tools and once you control your thoughts you can unlock endless potential, and more!
“The one thing we’ve found to hold true is that if everybody could start with the singular mindset of just getting stronger, everything else seems to come into focus.” John Welbourn
Top Takeaways:
- How to instill healthy habits in children to cultivate strength overtime
- Reasons sleep and nutrition should be taken as seriously as training
- Importance of knowing your training age to align with your goals
Show Notes:
- [0:00] Intro to episode trailer
- [0:30] Rachel gives a brief bio of today’s guests John Welbourn and Chris McQuilkin
- [2:00] Welcome back to MetFlex and Chill! Rachel welcomes guests John Welbourn and Chris McQuilkin
- [2:30] John introduces himself and shares with the listeners his experience with CrossFit Football, along with how he built his business, Power Athlete
- [5:00] Talktomejohnnie.com
- [7:30] Ep: 543 An Intelligent Approach to Keto with Rachel Gregory
- [7:30] Chris introduces himself and shares with the listeners a brief background of how he got into strength and conditioning along with coaching
- [11:00] “Coaches often get locked into sets and reps and this program versus that program. Well, it still means nothing if you can't communicate, and really empower this person to make something more of what they believe they are at this moment.” Chris McQuilkin
- [12:30] Question: What does your process look like when establishing a training goal?
- [14:00] “The one thing that we found that if everybody could start with the singular mindset of just being stronger, everything else seems to come into focus.” John Welbourn
- [20:00] “All the cardio in the world is going to help you build an aerobic base. But at the end of the day, if you want to change your body composition, the best way to do this is to lift weights.” John Welbourn
- [23:00] “Strength is cultivated over a lifetime.” John Welbourn
- [27:30] Question: What is your experience when it comes to convincing female clients that they need to lift weights in order to change their body composition?
- [44:30] Question: How do you help clients find the balance between overtraining and not training enough?
- [57:00] Muscle Science For Women
- [1:02:30] Question: Is there anything in the past year that you have changed your mind about? And Why?
- [1:13:00] Check more out from John Welbourn and Chris McQuilkin at their website http://powerathletehq.com, podcast Power Athlete Radio, Instagram @powerathletehq, and YouTube
- [1:13:30] Thanks for listening to another episode! If you’re loving MetFlex and Chill and want to help grow the show, please head over to Itunes and leave a rating and review! How to Leave an Apple Podcast Review: First, Open the podcast app on your iPhone, Mac, or iPad. Then, hit the “Search” tab at the bottom right-hand corner of the page and search for MetFlex and Chill. Select the podcast, scroll down to find the subheading “Ratings & Reviews”. and select “Write a Review.” Next, select the number of stars you’d like to leave. Please choose 5 stars! Using the text box which says “Title,” write a title for your review. Then in the text box, write the review itself. The review can be up to 300 words long, but doesn’t need to be much more than: “Love the show! Thanks!” or “Rachel provides wonderful content from a multitude of expert guests!” Once you’re done select “Send” in the upper right-hand corner.
Rachel Gregory is a Board-Certified Nutritionist, Strength and Conditioning Specialist, Podcaster, and founder of MetFlex Life. She is also the author of the international best-selling book, "21-Day Ketogenic Diet Weight Loss Challenge."
Rachel received her Master’s Degree in Nutrition & Exercise Physiology from James Madison University and Bachelor’s Degree in Sports Medicine from the University of Miami. Rachel completed the first-ever human clinical trial looking at the effects of the Ketogenic Diet in non-elite CrossFit athletes, which is published in the International Journal of Sports and Exercise Medicine.
Currently, in her day-to-day coaching business, Rachel guides her clients to becoming the best, most confident version of themselves. She has a passion for educating those dedicated to optimizing their physical and mental well-being while improving long-term health and fitness goals. Her most popular course, Keto for Women, has helped women all across the world learn how to ditch the restrictive, all-or-nothing mindset associated with keto and instead thrive through the power of metabolic flexibility.
You can connect and learn more about Rachel's work by visiting her website www.metflexlife.com
Social Links:
- Youtube: @rachelgregory
- Instagram: @rachelgregory.cns
- TikTok: @metflexlife
- Facebook: @metflexlife
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