EP 19: Beat BINGE EATING with Master Coach a Speaker Brittany Brown

Are you ready to stop emotional eating a finally have a loving relationship with your body and food? Brittany is your girl!  Brittany Brown is a Master Coach, Speaker a the Founder of  BeatingBingeEating.com. A safe haven for anyone struggling with unwanted eating habits. "My mission in life is to empower others like yourself to break free of any chains and fears that are holding you back so you can step into your full purpose and be who you are meant to be. People come to me with issues around their health, eating and weight and a total transformation ends up taking place at their core. It’s remarkable to be a part of! If you would’ve told the 16 year old me who was hiding and eating Taco Bell in my car, then starving myself for days after to make up for it, that I’d be here doing this work I would’ve never thought it was possible. I had no idea that you can truly be normal around food and love your body just as it is until now. I also had know idea that you can have a kick ass body without stressing about the perfect diet and exercise routine until now. You don’t need it! I’ve spent over 10 years working with hundreds of clients from everything down to meal preparation and fitness training, to speaking and teaching at massive events, to managing and operating the Holistic Health and Nutritional Healing Division of a large International Coaching Company. I’ve coached competitive athletes who traveled the world living out of a suitcase and stay at home moms. I’ve healed children and grandmothers. I’ve transformed corporate executives and yoga teachers. Despite my wide range of clientele and diversified education and experience over the years, I always get drawn back here: Helping people just like you break free of your struggle with your body and food. It’s because I’ve been in the trenches too, and I know that conventional methods do nothing but set us up to fail. My goal is to show you and the world that health and happiness does not have to be so hard. There’s a better way." - Brittany Brown  FREE 5 Step Training for Food Freedom Forever: BeatingBingeEating.com/audio-training

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