Ep 6: Discover Your ZONE OF GENIUS and your CAREER SWEET SPOT

At 7 years old, my mother found me speaking to 100 of my stuffed animals in the living room. I remember these moments of wanting to be a teacher and be a speaker at such a young age. My Zone of Genius was evident at a very young age.  How can you find your Zone of Genius? It is the intersection between these 3 questions. THAT is your SWEET SPOT.  1. What brings you immense joy?  2. What are you crazy talented at/comes easily to you? 3. Who will pay you graciously for this gift?    Questions for finding your Zone of Genius: • "What do you love to do most? (You love it so much you can do it for long stretches of time without getting tired or bored)."• "What work do you do that doesn't seem like work?"• "In your work, what produces the highest ratio of abundance and satisfaction to the amount of time spent?"• "What is your unique ability? What unique ability of yours, fully realized and put to work, can provide enormous value to you and/or your company?"• "I'm the best when I'm…"• "When I'm at my best the exact thing I'm doing is…"• "When I'm doing that, the thing I love most about it is…" How do we do this? Give yourself permission to say ‘no’ to new opportunities that are not within your Zone of Genius. Delegate or outsource activities that are in your Zone of Competence and Incompetence. Limit your time doing activities that outside of your Zone of Genius WANT TO TRY MY FAVORITE GREENS POWDER + POOP LIKE A QUEEN? www.organifi.com  Use code "angielee" for 20 % off the entire store! ------ 30 DAY FREE AUDIBLE TRIAL!   Rich B Audible Trial ------ WORK WITH ME! www.makelovetomoney.com

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