Zolomania!This was the episode I'd been waiting all season for, on a lot of levels. I admit that while I do (and likely always will) love this show from the bottom of my nerdy heart, I've had several moments of "hrm?" this season. Those who listen regularly know of my issues w/ this incarnation of Jay Garrick. Some of Barry's behavior has felt very out-of-character to me too. And I remain unsold on the Jay-Caitlin romance (which I'm calling Jaytlin.) Why do I criticize? Lots of reasons, but mostly 'cause I love. The writing on this show is so regularly solid that I'm afraid it makes the less-solid moments stand out all the more. Then, Tuesday 1/26 happened. Read more... The post CCU 55 – S2 E11 – THE REVERSE-FLASH RETURNS appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts a More.

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