CCU 40 – S1E22 – Rogue Air
The Good,The Bad, And Somebody Lock The Door I admit that while I enjoyed this week's episode (Rouge Air), it didn't wow me the way I wanted it to. To me, it felt like two incomplete episodes jammed into one. But upon second viewing, I began to pick up a thread, a theme, someting. Flash teams up w/ Capt. Cold. Across the nation, you could hear fans all over rolling their eyes. When his inevitable betrayal reared its head, exactly no one was surprised. The Flash did what the Flash does...he trusted, he wanted to see the best, to hope. But he's still very early in his heroic career, and his trust proves ill-placed. Cold exhibits a classic trait of villains; he's in it only for himself, and couldn't care less if his actions hurt others. And hurt others, they do. Out of this, Barry learns a lesson. Read more... The post CCU 40 – S1E22 – Rogue Air appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts a More.