????️???? Know Your Worth: Interview with Jessica Vaughn
Do you know that owning your worth at a deep core level plays a huge role in the growth of your business? Did you also know that is plays a deep role in your health? We look on the outside for solutions that exists inside. Joining me on this episode of the Epic Success podcast is Jessica Vaughn-Best selling author of Know your Worth and Own your Worth, who focuses on body and body imaging and how we view our worth as an entrepreneur and as a person. Jessica’s passion is to help others become confident and fearless, and to encourage others to learn that their identity and worth comes from Christ. She inspires and encourages members of her tribe by sharing her own personal struggles, victories, and journey through life. She shares how to live within your identity and know your worth, insights from her books and her best tips to running a successful online business while staying true to yourself and your relationship with God. Biggest Takeaways from Today’s Episode… gggg The key to becoming successful both in your business and your life is to redirect your thought process-instead of focusing on the negatives and playing the victim role, focus on the truth that you’re already walking in the victory. gggg When you focus on an event that hasn’t happened yet, your brain and body react as though it has already happened. If you’re focusing on and worrying about losing weight or having a successful launch, you’re sabotaging yourself and the results that you’re capable of achieving. gggg Jessica’s mission to empower others to stop defining their worth by a number on a scale, or a successful or unsuccessful business. Instead, she encourages others to focus on the truth that their worth comes from the Lord. If you’d like to be a part of her Own Your Worth community, you can find her here. ____________________________ Connect with Shannon: Facebook | Instagram | Epic Success Website Join the Epic Tribe to get all of Dr. Shannon’s exclusive content she reserves only for her tribe!