9 Step Productivity Powerhouse System of Successful Entrepreneurs
9 Time Saving Habits of Highly Productive a High Achieving Entrepreneurs Gain 2-3 hours back a day, loose the overwhelm, spread too thin, can’t get it done feeling and start feeling SUCCESSFUL Today on the Epic Success Podcast Dr. Shannon breaks down a step-by-step plan to get 2-3 hours back in your day and have you feeling successful. In this Episode you will learn these 9 tips that will have you crushing goals and productivity like a ninja. Here is what you will learn: The 9-step plan: DEFINE SUCCESS FOR YOU What is your EPIC AUDCATIOUS GOAL a THE TOP 3 things? THE NIGHT BEFORE ASK – “What needs to happen today in order for me to FEEL successful? TIME BLOCK a SCHEDULE your 3 things EPIC Morning The 2 TIME Email system AIRPLANE phone UPSIDE DOWN To-do list I know you want to be the most productive, achieve your dream and goals. That is why this week I am giving you my Powerhouse Productivity™ Plan today for FREE. I am thrilled to give you my full implementation plan for all of these 9 steps (plus 6 more) that literally changed me from being a stressed out average achieving hamster on a hamster wheel to a highly productive a very successful (as defined by me) entrepreneur - living an EPIC life and business I LOVE!! (This FREE program link will only be available for a limited time so grab yours quick!) You will be able to use this 15 step Productivity Powerhouse ™ system to become highly productive, achieve your top goals, have more time to do the things you want to do, less stress, and more confidence to go for your dreams! Grab your Free Powerhouse Productivity™ Plan I would LOVE to hear from you! What are you needing help in right now to help you build an Epic Life and Business? Where are you struggling? What would you love help figuring out? Let me know if this has helped you in your quest to build an Epic Life and Business!! Leave me a voicemail Episodes and Links Mentioned in this podcast: ES 002 - Goal setting: Episode 2 Goal Setting Checklist ES 003- Goal Implementation: Episode 3 ES 011 – Epic Morning Guide: Episode 11 The Epic Morning Guide Checklist: The Morning Mindset of the Entrepreneur 15 Hacks of the Highly Productive and High Achieving Entrepreneurs – Gain 2-3 hours back! These 9 things (plus 6 more) step-by-step implementation Grab your Free Powerhouse Productivity Plan Subscribe to the Epic Success Podcast today!! SUBSCRIBE ON ITUNES SUBSCRIBE ON STITCHER SUBSCRIBE ON GOOGLE PLAY SUBSCRIBE ON ANDROID Join me for my FREE Habit Mastery MasterClass! On August 18th at 10am PST, I’ll be hosting a free LIVE Productivity a Habit Mastery MasterClass. We will dive even deeper into practical ways to implement productivity systems a habit mastery using the power of the brain. You’ll receive a free copy of my Habit Mastery Planner so you can create a step-by-step plan for every habit you want to create. Register for this free class at http://drshannonirvine.com/habit