Sky’s The Limit Podcast: In conversation with AFAP president Louise Pole
After being elected as president of the Australian Federation of Air Pilots in 2018, Louise Pole became the first woman in Australia to lead a pilots’ union, and the second female pilot union boss in the entire world.
In this episode of Sky’s The Limit, hosts Anna Grbas and Hannah Dowling speak with Louise in one of our most frank and honest conversations of this series to date – about the real challenges that she and her female colleagues have experienced since she began flying in the 1980s.
Louise tells us about her career path and the solidarity she built with other female aviators, as well as all the forums and programs she has been involved in to support women in aviation, including the AFAP Women’s Network.
Plus, the crew discusses how the female experience in aviation has changed over the past three decades, and talks about practical solutions for moving ahead.