Help! by The Beatles
Hello Friends, and welcome to 2022 here on Mixology! I've decided to go all-out with January, where we'll be cover the entire UK 1965 output by that fabulous group, The Beatles, starting of course with their first LP of the year, Help!. Formed out of the basis for the soundtrack to the film of the same name, this album features 14 pop gems from the group, including two numbers from George, as well as two covers to fill in the gaps, and was naturally issued in both mono and stereo at the time. However, in 1965 George Martin, for reasons that are completely clear, remixed the album (along with Rubber Soul) for its first CD issue, and these are the mixes that have remained as the defacto version to this day. With this in mind, today we will be covering all three mixes of the album, and working out if one of these can truly be defined as definitive. So, if you're looking for Help!, and screaming our I Need You, say goodbye to Yesterday's troubles - all the answered are right here for your ears. Happy Listening, Frederick Support the show and get hours of extra content at: Email the show at: Listen to companion podcast Back to Mono:
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