13 "Chapter Five: Dig Dug" (Stranger Things S2E5)
This is the ultimate review of the Fifth Episode for Netflix’s Stranger Things Season “Chapter Five: Dig Dug”. Nancy and Jonathan swap conspiracy theories with a new ally as Eleven searches for someone from her past. "Bob the Brain" tackles a difficult problem. Rima and Shawn break down their top five from the episode as well as share notes about the episode. Tune in to hear the News from Stranger Things and Netflix. Then listen to the Letters from the Upside Down as Rima and Shawn share listener feedback. Follow Rima and Shawn to Hawkins, Indiana in Episode 13 "Chapter Five: Dig Dug" (Stranger Things S2E5). Next week Rima and Shawn will cover Stranger Things Episode 6 from Season 2 titled “Chapter Six: The Spy” The description for the episode "Will's connection to a shadowy evil grows stronger but no one's quite sure how to stop it. Elsewhere, Dustin and Steve forge an unlikely bond." This episode brought to you by: Freshly ( https://www.freshly.com/ ) is a weekly subscription meal service that delivers fresh (never frozen) prepared meals, developed by their team of chefs and nutritionists. Their meals are fully cooked so all you have to do is heat ‘em up—each meal is ready to eat in only 3 minutes. So no more worrying about what’s for dinner (or lunch or breakfast). No shopping, no chopping, no cleanup. But also no artificial ingredients, preservatives or added sugars. Go to freshly.com/strangerthings ( http://freshly.com/strangerthings ) and use code STRANGE to get 6 dinners for $39 for two weeks in a row (that's $40 off!). Follow Us On Twitter: @StrangeTCast ( https://twitter.com/StrangeTCast ) Like us on Facebook at: StrangerTCast ( https://www.facebook.com/StrangerTCast/ ) Email Rima and Shawn: StrangerThingsCastPod@gmail.com Check out Shawn's other Podcast The Language of Bromance ( https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-language-of-bromance-a-platonic-improv-comedy-podcast/id892106921?mt=2 ). And Check out Strange Indeed and all the other great Podcast at Podcastica.com ( http://www.podcastica.com/ )