Lauren Tickner On Business, Branding, And Mastering Social Media
The expectation to go to College/University right after high school is an evolutionary pressure that we all experience. In this week's episode our guest, Lauren Tickner, is a living example of how going to school and getting a degree is not the only way to build a successful business. At the age of 22, Lauren has achieved more than others achieve in their entire lifetime. She has been able to build her own empire because of her burning desire to get live her life in the pursuit of freedom! A few takeaways from this episode are... How to create a desirable brand online so you can stand out from the crowd online Learn the skill of persuasion to get what you want in life Start positioning yourself as an expert in your field so no one ever doubts you based on your age or "experience" Avoid making the mistakes coaches make so you can sell out your coaching (instead of being a sellout) Remember, following the footsteps of those who are average, will only end to the same destination. Whether you are just starting or you have been running your coaching business for a while, this episode will help you separate yourself from the pack and go after the freedom you have always dreamt of! Enjoy The Podcast Coach! “Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.” - Mark Twain . Episode Breakdown: Lauren Tickner on Business, Branding, and Being a Badass . :20 quick intro on what we’ll be covering inside this episode 4:23 Where is the most attention on social media 6:10 About Lauren Tickner and her background in business 8:13 What does Freedom mean to Lauren Tickner?? 10:32 Doing things that you don’t want to do to get to where you want to go 11:41 What drives you as a 22-year-old to be as driven as you are 14:05 Taking advantage of what we already have 15:04 The push to go to University and live up to expectations 17:28 The skill of positioning and persuading 19:09 Learning from the most successful entrepreneurs in the world 20:18 Storytelling is the real secret to connecting with your audience 22:44 Using feelings and emotions to relate to your audience 23:17 The framework to creating a story on Instagram 24:10 Why people fail when they try to create a platform online 25:24 Start. Post it anyway and instantly find a way to make it better next time 26:30 One thing to do right now 28:22 Why should I call myself an expert when people tell me I don’t have enough experience 33:16 Stepping into uncomfortable situations to grow 34:28 How to cope with being intimidated by influencers 35:46 What is your definition of branding 38:19 Why do some people become billionaires and others struggle with sales 41:54 Build the mindset for being an entrepreneur 42:51 Being aware of yourself and knowing your own weaknesses 44:23 What is your one golden piece of advice that you would tell your younger self given where you are now? 47:27 Where is the best place for people to find Lauren Make sure to swing by and follow Lauren Tickner on Instagram at Check out all the other episodes @ AND Grab access into the 6 Figure Coach Academy FOR FREE over at And Follow on Social Media for daily tips and strategies @ Instagram: Facebook: Website: