The Coaches Creed And the 7 Rules for Success With Lucas Rubix
Welcome to yet another episode of THE Coaches Corner, a podcast dedicated to helping coaches get more clients, make more money and book themselves solid! Over the last few weeks I've been getting A LOT of questions and comments about the Coaches Creed, 7 simple laws I created for myself years ago that, if followed, will help you see success in your business. You'll find the coaches creed at the bottom of every single email I ever send as I KNOW that there are fundamental laws that, if followed, will get results. THE COACHES CREED: Learn to love marketing. How will anyone ever find you? Show up every single day. Focus on being of service. Challenge yourself daily. Get uncomfortable baby! Don't fear change. Embrace it (you may as well get used to it) It's not about you. Make it 100% about your clients. Learn new skills and improve your craft daily. 10,000 hours, remember? Make success your duty. Your clients are depending on you. Check out all the other episodes @ AND Grab access into the 6 Figure Coach Academy FOR FREE over at And Follow on Social Media for daily tips and strategies @ Instagram: Facebook: Website: