SPEED: How to speed up your sluggish website with Vahe Arabian (TECHIE)
Create faster site that Google can't help but love We all know the feeling as we wait, and wait, (and sometimes wait some more) for the page to load. Do we hang around or do we click away and find a faster site? Well Google feels the same way, the school of thought is that while Google doesn't reward faster sites, it probably doesn't give slow sites a whole lot of love and this could see them slipping down the ranks. In this episode I chat with Vahe about simple tips we can use to speed up our lazy old websites. Tune in to learn: Why having a fast site is important? What is the impact of having a slow site What is a fair load time benchmark for a small business website Which Content Management System is the fastest Our favourite speed testing tools What is caching and how to does it help How to reduce server response time Episode: https://therecipeforseosuccess.com/speed-speed-sluggish-website/ Website: http://www.therecipeforseosuccess.com