She Blinded Me With Dothraki
Apple’s 3.2-billion dollar Beats headphone deal is turning into a 3.2-magnitude headache. How much would you pay for a high end stereo? Steve Jobs dropped more than 20-grand. Pigs in Space! And humans, too! We’ll bring you the latest advancements in cryogenics that could make the vastness of space seem like a catnap. A new app from the musician behind Godley & Creme will let you rock-out with bandmates anywhere in the world. Plus: got a couple grand? We’ll tell you how much your favourite rock legend charges to play your son’s bar-mitzvah... and we’ll teach you how to speak Dothraki to woo the woman in your life.
The post She Blinded Me With Dothraki appeared first on The Geeks and Beats Podcast with Alan Cross and Michael Hainsworth.