117: Dominate Call Only Ads

Check Out Directive Consulting For PPC and SEO! - https://directiveconsulting.com/ Call me maybe! Hi everyone, call only ads rock and are a great feature in Google Ads. Today we break down the basics of call only ads, and then we give some super advanced call only ads tips! Thanks for listening! Show notes - https://paidsearchpodcast.com/call-only-ads On YouTube, please click that LIKE button and subscribe for new episodes every Monday! AND PLEASE leave us a review on iTunes, thanks! And please share the show with your friends and colleagues! Rothman PPC - https://rothmanppc.com/ Chris Schaeffer - http://www.chrisschaeffer.com/ Ask us a Google Ads question on our other podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/ppc-questions-answers-paid-search-podcast-hosts-answer/id1352588764?mt=2 Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/paidsearchpodcast)

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