Episode 20 - TANNER SHUCK
Tanner Shuck is an online coach and personal trainer based in Dubai.
He was a former Division 1A American Football player at Rice University.
He was also a prolific cross-fit athlete, and went on to win several accolades:
• 3rd place at the 2013 Cross-fit Asia Regional
• 3rd place at the 2013 Dubai Fitness Championship
• 1st place in the 2014 Cross-fit Open Asia/Middle East Region
• 1st place in the 2014 Dubai Fitness Championship
Tanner holds a Bachelors’ degree in both Sport Management and Managerial Studies, and a Minor in Business Administration from Rice University.
To know more about Tanner’s online courses, check out his website www.truestrength.co
For daily content on health and fitness, follow him on Instagram @tanner_shuck