Episode 48: How to Get into a HIGH VIBRATION and Attract Amazing Things Into Your Life
Have you ever had one of those days where you just feel awesome? Everything feels in flow, you feel clear, energized, ideas are flowing, you feel creative and just in the zone? That is what it means to be in a high vibe. It’s basically that feeling where you believe EVERYTHING is possible and nothing can get in your way. (I love those days!)
On the flip side, there’s that state of being in a LOW vibration. That’s where you feel stuck, frustrated, jealous, BROKE, drained. All those crappy feelings that NOBODY has time for.
If you’ve struggled with getting into that HIGH VIBE state, there are some ways you can shift your energy instantly so that you can feel fabulous and start attracting amazing things into your life and I'm sharing them all in this episode.
I'm also sharing a personal story about how I shifted my vibration before leaving my full-time job to pursue my dreams. Because I do not believe we can live our best lives while we're in a low vibration. All change starts with our ENERGY.
POWER QUOTES from this episode:
"You have every opportunity in every moment of every day to choose a high vibration."
"What we attract is a direct reflection of our energetic state."
This episode's MANTRA:
"My natural vibration is of joy, clarity, energy and love. I redirect any thoughts that do not serve my highest self."
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Melissa Leger, coach, relationship expert + creator of Gumball Love
Get on Melissa’s VIP list at GumballLove.com to learn more about her work and sign up for her next Academy (the next and final one of the year begins next week, October 11th!) Melissa will teach you to transform your life and business by finally getting the courage to break up, get over your ex, and be happily single living your BEST life so you can ultimately attract the right guy and the right people.