Episode 4 : BABE CHAT with Model and Body Positive Activist Felicity Hayward
In this episode, Cara chats with plus model Felicity Hayward about body image, babe power, and the importance of loving yourself from the inside out. Felicity talks about her movement, #SelfLoveBringsBeauty, which is changing the way women relate to themselves and their bodies. Her infectious spirit and positive outlook on self-esteem is sure to inspire you.
Find Felicity on Instagram @FelicityHaywardCurveModel
Check out Felicity's #SelfLoveBringsBeauty movement on Instagram @Self.Love.Brings.Beauty
Read/Watch her interview with Allure magazine: http://www.allure.com/story/plus-size-model-felicity-hayward
Find her line at DePop.com