Options Bootcamp 33: Jumping into the Volatility Trenches
Basic Training: Trading VIX and Volatility Products
- What is the VIX? How is the VIX calculated?
- How are VIX options priced?
- How do the Greeks work with VIX options?
- What is the difference between VIX cash and VIX futures?
- The VIX is NOT a perfect hedge that offers pure inverse correlation of the S&P?
- VIX can be used as a kicker for extreme events.
- Beware of VIX settlement process.
- Remember to understand the context with which the VIX is being represented.
Mail Call: How may we be of assistance?
- Question from Bicycle My - So how do you become a better trader? I have been trading for a few years now and although I am profitable, I have not seen phenomenal returns.
- Question from Hawkeye6: Can you explain what Maker-Taker is? What is different about it from the traditional methods? Advantages? Disadvantages? Thanks.