Options Bootcamp 19: Margin
Basic Training: The topic this week is margin
- What is margin?
- If I have leverage in my options, why do I need margin?
- Is it possible to not qualify for margin?
- Why do you need a cash account? What can/cannot you do with a cash account?
- What are some of the most common risks, mistakes or problems customers run into when implementing margin in their account?
- What are the benefits of portfolio margin over other, different types of margin?
Mail Call: Let our drill instructors answer your questions.
- Question from Jason Cruz, heyojayo: Would Bootcamp be able to detail the pros and cons of buying two 50 delta calls vs. one 100 delta call, or point me to an episode if there is one already?
- Question from Tad Briggs: What does the term "risk reversal" mean? What risk am I reversing? How should I use this strategy in my training?