Options Bootcamp 12: Weekly Options
Options Bootcamp 12: Weekly Options
Basic Training: What are weekly options? How do the Greeks differ in the weeklies? How are the weeklies traded?
Option Drills: Selling strategies for weekly options. Diagonal and vertical spreads, straddles, ratios, etc. What are some strategies for selling weeklies around earnings?
Mail Call: Taking on your questions.
- Tweet from @JJacks: Does Sogo trade offer weekly options? What approval level do I need to trade them?
- Email from Theodore in Houston, TX: How long does it really take to learn options and become a good options trader?
- Email from Alex S. in Tusla, OK: My financial advisor doesn't know anything about options and doesn't seem inclined to learn. Should I fire him? If so, where do I find an advisor who uses options?