Package a Digital Product - Branding, Copy Writing, Graphic Design, SEO

​How to Package a Digital Product

Today we're going to talk about branding, graphic design, copywriting, SEO.

But I'm going to package it all together in packaging your digital product.

I'm going to be putting together a little freedom plan for you guys on how to become rich and free by selling digital products.

So last time we talked about courses, books, consulting, coaching, eBooks, poetry, books, E, commerce, product descriptions, copywriting, templates, recipe books, documents, email campaigns, academic research and papers. The list goes on. You can sell songs, beats, ringtones, sound effects, voiceovers, instrumental tracks, wallpapers, posters, short films, animated intros, stock video, video tutorials, professionally edited, short videos, documentaries, standup comedy, comic books, principal calendars, printable journals, eat.

The fact of the matter is, is that it's time for you just to try this as an experiment.

I'm still trying to convey my case that digital products are the way of the future.

They are infinitely scalable and you can create them with just a little bit of effort and they can sell forever.

Especially if you understand how to create a customer avatar, or find a expensive problem to solve or a market to disrupt.

Those three things are going to take you to the next level.

So the first thing we're going to talk about is going to be what it really means to be really good at branding.

So what is it about branding that actually matters?

What actually matters about branding is getting your message across clearest way possible so your customer can clearly know what it is that you do and that what you offer and that you are an authority in that specific area of thought.

Don't want to say niche, but I'm gonna say niche.

So you want to take up that space in your customer's brain with what you do.

So all the way from your name to the coloring to the emotion of your funnel.

See, it's important to know who your customer avatar is and then you have to develop clarity on what it is that you do for your customer.

And then you have to establish yourself as an authority by giving them the belief that you are the GoTo person in this space.

So when we're branding, the steps that I go through with my clients are your brand DNA Or brand discovery.

And then we do brand creation where you actually create the brand.

And then we do brand optimization where we actually are out in the market, getting feedback and readjusting and then brand maximization.

So when we're going into a brand DNA, right?

We have to basically come up with our message and then we have to come up with in three words what it is that our business does.

So for evergreen tactics, it's business marketing mastery. And that's what I go for with all my brands.

I just have three words or less than three words, if possible.

That is the clearest fundamental foundation of my brand.

And then everything else just goes from there because you must then come up with who your customer is going to be.

 And then you must think of who your customer is and then what are their biggest roadblocks?

Their biggest pain points is for their life and what they're going through and how can we relate and then also help them the most with our product and what we offer.

So as we're talking right now, okay I'll go into so much more branding in some other things, but we're still talking about digital products.

So selling a digital product and branding is kind of interesting because there's no tangible thing in the world.

Like if you're selling a car, you have the features you have, the way that it feels, you know, the motion, the, the, the places is going to take you.

Where as digital product, how you have to think about your branding is you have to, again, this is going back to what I always say, but clarity.

So you have to clearly explain to your customer why you and your product are the best option for them. Okay and then you want to have clarity on the purpose of it, clarity of what it does for them and clarity on why they should buy.

Then you want to also talk about the beliefs.

Of the person you must install the beliefs that they need your product.

They must believe that they can benefit from your product.

You see how that really flips everything on its head when you allow your customer to, when you focus on having your customer in themselves that the product is good.

These are going to come down to our next point.

which is copywriting.

Copywriting is basically the written word that we've used in our content to aim to increase brand awareness and ultimately persuade a person or group to take a particular action.

So copywriting is incredibly important.

You should probably hire a professional, but if you're doing it yourself, it's kind of fun to get lost in the psychology of sales and selling your product.

But the true best copy goes like this.

So you say you have an intro with an open loop.

The main purpose of all copy is for them to read the next copy and then to buy.

So your headline is meant to make them read the paragraph and then the paragraph is meant to make them read the next paragraph, the next paragraph, so on and so forth until they reach the bottom and they have no choice but to purchase.

So you want to have an O have a very attention grabbing headline.

And you have to come up with this in your, in your business basically for your product, like the most catchy headline, attention grabbing headline.

So I just became an affiliate for designer.

And this program is awesome.

It makes eBooks super fast.

So the real catchy headline is creates ebook in under two minutes. Boom!

Like that tells the reader everything they need to know.

And it invokes the reader and creates a open loop

In their mind like it's gonna, it create a ebook and two minutes?

How does it do that?

So headlines are key, very important for many, many reasons.

But let's just really dive into six traits of copywriting so we can kind of keep this short and focused and sweet.

We're talking about packaging our product, packaging ourselves, and making us look as powerful as possible.

So the first trait that I want to talk about with copywriting is it tilts your perspective.

People have gotten so used to blocking out marketing that we need to do something different to tilt their perspective.

So what I like to do is I deliver tons of value.

My goal though is to get them to stop thinking of me as a marketer or something.

And think of somebody as someone of value, who's giving them some, secret sauce.

One of the most powerful things that a copywriter can do is break down the reader's guard.

With unexpected approaches.

This can be with stories just different angles, you know, strange words or just making the reader grab onto some sort of emotion that pulls them through the copy.

So at the end of it all, you really just want to figure out which angle you want to take and which way you can lean the reader in your direction the most.

So that's a very powerful way to think about when you're writing copy to be a little different until to them.

The next one is going to be find connections.

So you can connect all sorts of things together so that people can relate to it more.

Here's just an example.

In 1996, Steve job let the cow out of the bag. When he was speaking with a journalist from wired on the topic of creativity, he explained creativity is just connecting things.

When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn't really do it. They just saw something.

It seemed obvious to them after awhile.

So let's say that you have to write an ad for a new pair of sneakers.

 You could take the assignment head-on.

You could write about the elasticity of the shoe, the, the soul, the lightweight design, all that.

Or you could put all that aside and instead draw the connection between the product in the experience it invokes, you know, run from bills, run from mortgages, run from work, run routine, run from your fears, run from your worries, run from relationships, run from commitment, run from handicaps, run from disadvantages.

Run from your wants, run from your needs, run from this run from that run, run, run, run, run. That's a Nike commercial. So they did something where they connected, you know, our feelings of running from stuff to shoes to things that are happening in this ad. So the first one is it recognizes that many running isn't running at all. It's about solitude, peace and restoring sanity to an otherwise hectic life. And then second, not only does Nike connect the ad to experience of running, it actually connects to the sound of those shoes that hit the pavement.

You know, cause you can hear it running in your head.

So this ad is about complexity of one of life's fading away and being replaced by simplicity and clarity. The copy, the progress, the sentence, it kind of simplifies the copy.

But it connects to things.

So that's another really cool way to write really good copy.

Number three, a stunning lead, right?

The following.

Here's a couple of headlines about sentences from urban daddy, an email based magazine, drawing attention to new products and experiences.

So the first one, six days, that's how long you have until 65% of your body is Turkey.

Next one, he walks. Talk about living.

What's common among each of those leads?

They make us want to read the next line.

So more or less just about headlines.

So there's an adage in copywriting that loosely is credited to copywriter business owner, Joe Sugarman, which roughly States that the purpose of headlines is to get the readers to read the first line.

The purpose of the first line is to get the reader to the second line and so on.

In short, your first line doesn't enthrall your reader, all is lost. So that was a quote number four.

It is born out of listening, copywriting, you have to listen.

A lot of your time is really just going to be researching your audience and figuring out how they talk.

You know, what is it that they're, what is the conversation they have going on in their head right now that can connect the dots to your product, to what they're going for.

So a really cool quote from Copyblogger by Robert Bruce, he put it nicely, he says, humble yourself and truly serve your audience. Listen to their needs and desires, listen to the language they use. And he said, if, if you listen carefully, your audience can eventually give you everything you need, including much of your copy. Get out of their way.

So that's a great point.

You can join lots of groups on like Facebook or Twitter or you know, forums and you can read what they're, they're talking about and their problems and their struggles.

Number five of copy is avoid jargon and hyperbole.

So groundbreaking, revolutionary business solution, targetable scale ideation, evidence based approaches, industry-wide best practices.

Have I lost you yet?

When you are writing copy and you struggle to convey what is truly special about your company and the product or service it just kinda falls back on jargon and hyperbole.

You're just blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Not necessarily delivering any real value of what it is that you are selling.

This isn't to say you should never celebrate, you know, your achievements and your wards just be direct in the way that you explain that achievement.

Number six is going to be cut out the excess, kind of the same thing.

So make it short, sweet, cut out the fat.

Just have the most important information in your copy and your copy does not need to go on forever.

It only needs to go on long enough to make the sale.

All right, so that was branding and copywriting, right?

As we're building this up to package your product, those are very important. All right?

The next thing is going to be like graphic design.

So you want to have a really good graphic design artist and there's so many subtle things that can really speak to people about your logo, your pictures, your, your podcast pictures, your YouTube thumbnails, you know, so you really want to have a great graphic artist come up with your designs or you want to have at least have an eye of what else is out there that relates to your product to trigger them to want to buy from you because of how crisp and pretty it looks.

This is also the difference between charging, you know, a ton of money in charging, not very much money because it looks like shit.

So make sure you have great graphic design.

The next one I want to talk about is authority or anything.

I'm going to go very in depth on this, another podcast, but think about how authority can sell a product. It affects the price it affects the consumers want, it affects everything.

Representation of this is when a person that's on the stage selling to you automatically has your authority.

The, the person who is in a suit and holds their, you know, their tone and the way that they stand.

They have more authority and someone hunched over, dressed up like a bum, you know, beard, long hair.

Now you don't have to, but you want to think about what it is that you can do to truly gain the authority in your niche.

We already talked about writing a book.

So writing a book gives you an authority.

People see that you wrote a book and they don't care that she went to college or that you've, you know, had 50,000 patients.

They just see that she wrote a cool book and it's on the subject.

 You must be an authority.

So the other ways that you can gain authority quickly is by partnering with other large brands.

If your, your product is sold on Amazon, it automatically has a little more authority.

If it's on Etsy, more authority.

Just getting with partners is a great way to build authority.

So you can write a book, you can get with partners, you can interview or be seen or just take pictures with other similar famous people in your niche and that can build your authority and you want to build real authority.

And he do that by, you know, going out there and being in the places where other authoritative people are in your niche so that you can really build that up to maximize your brand, your business, your message with other people that are also in that brand and niche in message.

So that's just a brief run round the 40 but authority can sell like crazy.

Think about what it means for your business and your brand.

How to build that authority.

Next one is going to be content.

Now you don't want to give away everything for free in your content, but there are ways to produce content that geeks your audience to want more, to inject them into your funnel.

So you give them hints and open loops and then you have them go to the next step of buying your product or joining your newsletter to learn more about the product.

These are great ways to create content to help you sell your, your products.

So now we're going to talk about search,.

So you want to figure out everywhere that your product, your, your customer would be looking for your product or your service, okay?

And you want to have your face pop up there.

So we're talking on Facebook.

When they type in whatever your business is about, you want to pop up when they talk, when they look on YouTube, you, they want, you should have your face pop up in every single section that is related to your business, your niche, your product.

Podcasts, you want to be pop up on there.

Amazon, Google, you know, so this is where people search to learn more about whatever it is that your product does.

And it's incredibly powerful to optimize all your, all your work, your websites, your content to be on those platforms in the area that people are searching.

This is a great way to build incredible authority and to be able to package all your stuff in an awesome way because if it's designed right, you got your branding, you have authority, you have great copy, this is how you're going to be able to sell high ticket products.

how you're going to reach that rich free lifestyle.

So you have to put a little more thought into them.

Once you do all this amazing work up front and then you sell it, it can scale to infinity.

So this has been packaging your product so that you can scale to infinity.

The next episode we're going to talk about the nine power traffic generators.

This is where the, you actually make the most money, so where you can really get the power to your product and the traffic.

This is how you do it.

So be sure to tune in next time. Please subscribe to my podcast. Leave a five star review, check out my YouTube channel, like I'm just trying to grow this and I'm really going to keep delivering amazing value. Reach out to me on Facebook. You can do Robert Lyon or evergreen tactics, Instagram, evergreen tactics Robert Lyon. So let's just keep going man. I really appreciate you guys.

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