Guesst Helps Brands Pop-Share - Where We Buy #91
It seems like every retailer is experimenting with pop-ups. But Guesst wants them to forget pop-ups and instead pop-share. CEO Jay Norris explains how his company acts as a matchmaker between stores like FAO Schwarz and Steven Alan, and brands that want to sell on their shelves. This episode was recorded in front of a live audience at the ICSC New York Deal Making conference on December 5, 2018. James Cook is the director of retail research in the Americas for JLL. Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Android Listen: Alexa: Say "Enable the Where We Buy skill" Tweet: @JamesDCook Email: Instagram: @jamcoo Leave a message on the Where We Buy hotline. We may use it on an upcoming show. Call (602) 633-4061 Read more retail research here. Theme music is Run in the Night by The Good Lawdz, under Creative Commons license.