2: How a doctor treats her own PCOS: Interview with Dr Danah
What does a doctor do when she has PCOS, but yet none of the treatments she’s been taught work for her? This was exactly the dilemma Dr Danah Bharmal was facing. Her periods were very irregular, her weight kept going up and up and now her face was exploding with acne. She was already eating well, and working out with a personal trainer but nothing seemed to work. She’d also tried a ketogenic diet when it was all anyone with PCOS was talking about online, but again nothing. Danah had also been measuring her HbA1c and other insulin markers to see if her insulin was contributing to her symptoms, but her tests all came back within the normal range. But this all changed when Danah worked out what her ‘root cause’ was.
Highlights, takeaways and quick wins:
- Your doctor likely won’t know how to advise you on lifestyle treatments for PCOS, as they aren’t taught this
- Your ‘normal’ HbA1c and other insulin markers doesn’t necessarily mean your insulin is working properly.
- Why finding this ‘root cuase’ is so important for matching you with he right lifestyle treatments
- Eating ‘healthy’ is different for all of us
- Sugar cravings are often a symptom of your insulin not functioning properly.
- Fatigue is also a really common symptom of your insulin not functioning properly.
- Not all exercise is made equal- working out with a PT may be a waste of money
- Keto is not necessary or even helpful for most women with PCOS.
Want more of where this come from? Get my 'root cause' tests for PCOS download at www.thepcosnutritionist.com