1: Getting to the root of your PCOS

By far the most common question I get is, “ What’s the best diet for PCOS”, or “how do I get pregnant with PCOS” or “how do I lose weight with PCOS”. 

These are all great questions, and EXACTLY what I was typing into google a few short years ago.  What I’m going to teach you today, is that the question you need to ask instead is “What’s driving my PCOS?”

This episode is for you if:

  1. You’ve asked any of these questions before or
  2. If you have any PCOS symptom that you want to improve. 

Highlights, takeaways and quick wins: 

  • Our genes predispose us to PCOS- no questions there
  • These genes that predispose us as also the genes that are going to help us survive when the Apocalypse happens (come at me doomsdayers!)
  • But there is always a system in our body that’s also gone a bit haywire that’s also driving with our PCOS- and this is what we can change!
  • Insulin is the most common driver (up to 80% of us have some insulin resistance)
  • My own experience: My genetic predisposition from 2 grandmothers with insulin resistance and/or Type 2 diabetes
  • Competing for New Zealand in running and triathlon when I developed insulin resistance.
  • Insulin resistance isn’t just caused by eating too much and exercising too little- like I’d been told. 
  • Stress (over exercising) was contributing to my insulin resistance
  • Treating my root cause (insulin and high stress hormones) helped improve my testosterone levels 
  • Reducing my testosterone also helped me lose weight, improve my acne, get my periods back after 2 years. 

Want more of where this come from?  Download my 'root cause' tests for PCOS at www.thepcosnutritionist.com

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