TCC Podcast 20: Our Favorite Episodes with Rob Marsh and Kira Hug
In the 20th episode of The Copywriter Club Podcast, Kira and Rob talk about the ideas and advice from the first 19 episodes that they've found most helpful in their own businesses. This episode is a bit like a Cliff Notes version of the podcast and a great way to catch up on the show if you've missed any of the previous discussions. But more than just a review, Rob and Kira talk about how the ideas their guests have shared have changed the way they do business. This is a great episode, don't miss it. Click the play button below, or scroll down for a full transcript. The people and stuff we mentioned on the show: Sponsor: AirStory Reviews in iTunes and Stitcher Facebook Group Joanna Wiebe Ben Settle The Ultimate Sales Letter The Advertising Solution Breakthrough Advertising Claude Hopkins The Dark Arts of Long Form Sales Pages Amy Posner Lianna Patch Jennifer Havice Tarzan Kay Kira’s Email List Lacy Boggs Rob’s Email List Finding the Right Message (Jen’s book) Ry Schwartz Amy Porterfield Jessica Mehring Kaleigh Moore CrazyEgg AppSumo Entrepreneur Jasmine Star Sam Woods Hillary Weiss Danny Marguiles Upwork Laura Belgray Joel Klettke Roy Furr Brian Kurtz Kira’s website Rob’s website The Copywriter Club Facebook Group Intro: Content (for now) Outro: Gravity Full Transcript: Rob: The Copywriter Club Podcast is sponsored by Airstory, the writing platform for professional writers who want to get more done in half the time. Learn more at Kira: What if you could hang out with seriously talented copywriters and other experts, ask them about their successes and failures, their work processes, and their habits, then steal an idea or two to inspire your own work? That’s what Rob and I do every week at The Copywriter Club Podcast. Rob: You’re invited to join the club for episode 20 as Kira and I talk about our favorite advice from several episodes of the podcast and how we’re applying it in our businesses. Kira: Hi, Rob. Rob: Hi, Kira. How’s it going? Kira: It’s fantastic. Rob: Yeah, today’s a really good day. Kira: Today is a great day. We’re pumped up from our previous interview and conversation that was just really ... Gosh, it just gets me so excited about what we’re doing. Rob: I’m the same way. It’s like every time we talk to another expert, another copywriter who’s doing really smart things with their business, I just get so excited. I get off the interview. It makes me more excited about the work that I’m doing, the clients that I’m working for, that stuff that we’re doing in the Facebook group, and all that stuff. This has been an awesome fun project that we’ve been working on. Kira: Totally. Today’s episode is really discussing some of the major highlights from the past 20 shows. I think we’ll jump around a bit. We’ll probably going to miss some of them. Also, talking about the way that we’ve already integrated some of these changes or some of these lessons into our own businesses. Some of them we have not, but they’re mostly ones that I or still my list of things to do. I have implemented a couple and I know you have as well. Rob: Before we do that though, we want to cover two things. That first is that for everybody who’s listening, if you haven’t already taken the opportunity to leave a rating or a review in iTunes, if you would please ... We know you might be driving. Pull over, park the car, go to iTunes, leave us a review. We’d love it if it’s five stars, but even if it’s not, we really want that feedback for two reasons. One, it tells us that you’re listening and that you enjoy what we’re doing. Two, it really does help other people find the podcasts. When there are a lot of reviews, Apple moves it to the top of the list. There are a couple of good podcasts for other writers and we just want to be ranked among those. If you take a minute to rate us in iTunes or if you’re on Stitcher, that would be fantastic. Kira: Also,