365 Days of Content - How to Create Catchy YouTube Titles
Nowadays, while content is still evidently relevant, the general audience’s preference when it comes to learning and consuming content has shifted to videos. We can’t force people to choose between reading a full block of text or watch a short video, and all things considered, the person will surely choose watching videos over reading, right? This is large because of digital overload that has, in part, caused people’s ever-shortening attention span.The bottom line, however, is that you have to face the facts. You either adapt and start utilizing the preferred medium, or be left behind in the dust by your competitors. In this episode, we will literally teach you how to create great content for your YouTube channel. Start with a creative foundation and strong, workable ideas. Ready to grow and sustain a loyal audience on YouTube? Let’s get goin’!Topic Highlights: YouTube for real estate marketing (2:25) What are the strategies (3:47) What people are searching (4:10) How to build up 365 days of content (7:35) Connect with us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. For more goodness on our blog, you may also visit our website www.theyoutubeagents.com. Tune in and subscribe to the Youtube Agent Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher and all other podcast platforms.