Launching Your Business: On-Air Coaching Call
“Even though you are relatively new in your business, you are not new; you come with twelve years of experience.” On this episode of the Sales Maven podcast, Nikki is working with Sam Holmes, a new Sales Maven Society member and the Founder of Authentic Insights. Sam asks Nikki for help with finding the easiest, most seamless way to extend an offer to have someone work with you. Nikki believes that the first step is to have a concrete offer or a few offers to give potential clients options. Nikki suggests that Sam has some type of program or training that lets people get exposed to her and what she is offering and make it an easy yes when it comes to pricing. Nikki says that Sam’s experience in conflict resolution would be a great training she could do, which would then lead to the next step of private coaching. “Building a list is absolutely crucial when starting a new business.” Nikki shares that having a free event or giveaway is one way to build your list because participants must register. Promote the event to people in your network and see if they would be willing to share it out in their network to anyone they believe might be interested. Sam says the sense of community and knowing that there are many other driven people in the group and you can pop in any question, and people respond really quickly are a few of the things she finds most valuable about being a part of the Sales Maven Society. If you find value in this podcast and want to ignite your sales, Nikki invites you to join the Sales Maven Society. This is an opportunity for you and Nikki to work together, you bring your questions, concerns, and sales issues, and she provides answers and guidance to boost your confidence. Join by going to, click add to cart, and then checkout and use coupon code: 27trial to get your first month for only $27.00! In This Episode: [01:04] Sam, welcome to the show! [02:18] Sam shares her background and what her coaching business focuses on. [04:50] Sam speaks about coaching and the value they bring. [05:56] Sam tells Nikki what she needs her help with today. [06:20] Nikki shares that the first thing is you must have a concrete offer. [08:36] Nikki believes she should have a couple of offers, and one of them be an easy yes in terms of pricing. [10:09] Nikki says that people who come from a corporate background come with a different skill set. [12:15] Sam shares that conflict resolution is an area she specializes in. [12:36] Nikki says that this would be a good topic for training Sam could do. [14:42] After the offer, the next step is reaching out to people in her network, sharing what she is offering. [16:22] Another way is to offer a taste of what you are offering, and Nikki shares some ways she could do this. [18:06] Nikki shares why she thinks people should give away some things when they start out. [19:44] Sam shares some questions that come to mind with Nikki’s suggestions, like how much to charge. [21:38] How much time do you spend teaching that one thing? [23:43] Doing audience participation will let people engage, and it will burn up time. [26:35] Nikki shares a mantra she does before each event she does. [27:12] Nikki speaks about the process she follows when putting out training. [29:26] Nikki talks about why nurturing your network is important. [30:09] Sam discusses what she is going to implement first from this coaching. [30:58] What is one benefit you have received from being a member of the Sales Maven Society? [33:45] Thank you so much for being on the show! Find Nikki: Nikki Rausch Email @yoursalesmaven Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Instagram Sales Maven Society To download free Resources from Nikki: Find Samantha Holmes: Authentic Insights Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn