The Pitfalls of Selling Past The Close
Selling past the close is a term used when you give people an out before closing the sale. Nikki and her guest Kim Carlisle, a Sales Maven Society member, have an on-air coaching call around why Kim does this and how she can change the way she handles the close language to bring in more revenue for her company. Kim founded A Plus Assistants to provide a virtual presence in the business world. Kim understands industry demand and pressures with over 15 years of corporate C-suite experience and education, focusing on communications and the soft side of business. “Zip it and wait for a response” is what Nikki believes is the best advice. Once you share your offer and give the close language, it is time to be quiet and let them decide. Even if they are not ready right now, let them know that you would love to work with them when they are ready. Nikki and Kim discuss whether Kim writing a script and practicing it would be good for muscle memory. The Sales Maven Society has benefited Kim most by seeing what other members are asking and reading Nikki’s brilliant responses. She loves being in a group of successful, intelligent women and believes that the value the members and Nikki offer is invaluable. If you are having trouble with conversion email sequences, you need to sign up for Nikki’s mastermind class, the wisdom she shares will help you take your business to another level. In This Episode: [01:04] Kim, welcome to the show! [01:15] She shares a little about her and the business she started last year. [03:22] Kim asks for support, closing the sale without giving people a way out. [04:50] Nikki says that what Kim is doing is called selling past the close. [05:32] Nikki believes that you need to zip it and wait for a response. [06:24] You need to learn to catch yourself and let the client decide. [08:14] Are you sending the message that you would love to work with them and will be ready to work with them when they are ready? [09:01] Nikki shares a time when she referred a friend and potential client to someone that she knew could help them. [11:27] Kim speaks about writing a script to help her practice her close language. [13:16] The idea is that when you give the close language, you are allowing the potential client to decide whether to hire you. [13:55] Nikki discusses the masterclass she has created around conversion email sequences. [16:04] Nikki believes that if Kim follows these suggestions, she will start closing more deals. [17:29] Nikki says that in a way, you need to learn how to manage your clients. [20:02] Kim shares that the Sales Maven Society has helped her a lot. [20:24] The primary benefit of the Sales Maven Society for Kim was seeing what other people asked. [21:10] Thank you so much, Kim, for agreeing to this on-air coaching call. [22:41] Nikki felt incredibly honored when Kim became a lifetime member of the Sales Maven Society. [24:37] Kim, thank you so much for being here today! Find Nikki: Nikki Rausch Email @yoursalesmaven Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn Sales Maven Society To download free Resources from Nikki: Find Kim: Kim Carlisle Kim Email @apassistants Facebook | Instagram @a-plus-assistants-llc LinkedIn