How to Recognize and Act on Buying Signals
Do you know when a client is giving you buying signals? Listen as your host Nikki Rausch shares the noise she hears in her head when a buying signal is activated. She has been teaching buying signals for years, and they are one of the main reasons she started her own business. Nikki is here to offer you sales techniques and strategies to help you master the sales conversation. Nikki shares her definition of a buying signal, discusses putting together training for the top ten missed buying signals and her book Buying Signals, Converting Casual Conversation Into Sales. Nikki issues a challenge to the listeners and details the top five buying signals she discussed in this episode. She is also giving away a free download with the additional twelve missed buying signals that she didn’t have time to explain. Go to the Sales Maven website to download your copy now. Have you ever had a conversation with a potential client that made you think, hmmm, are they interested in being my client, yet didn’t act on it? If so, you probably missed the signal they were giving you. Listen as Nikki details the top five missed signals and see if it doesn’t make you want to revisit past conversations with clients you didn’t pursue. Nikki believes everyone needs to be turned on and tuned in to buying signals because they are everywhere. Nikki had done this training for years, and every time someone tells her they had no idea. If your business is suffering because you can’t seem to get potential clients to ask for your services, maybe it’s time you started issuing invitations. If you follow the steps as Nikki has them laid out, you can’t help but be successful. In This Episode: [00:43] Welcome and thank you for listening to the show. [01:01] In this episode, Nikki is speaking about buying signals. [02:11] Nikki shares what she hears when buying signals go off. [02:51] Nikki talks about a time when she had to inform someone about the buying signals a potential client was sending her. [04:07] She discusses the training she put together that covered the top ten buying signals that she noticed were being ignored. [05:48] Nikki gives her definition of a buying signal. [06:40] Buying Signals Converting Casual Conversations Into Sales is the book Nikki wrote. [08:01] Nikki issues a challenge to the listeners to think back on conversations they have had and see if they missed a buying signal. [08:42] If you act on something in this episode and gain a new client, please reach out and tell Nikki your success story. [09:34] Nikki is discussing the top five most missed buying signals. [10:05] If someone asks you about your rate, it is a buying signal. [11:41] Nikki shares what happened at a networking meeting with a client and her potential client. [13:59] Implementers get results! [15:23] Nikki speaks about a person she didn’t want to work with even though he was giving her a buying signal. [16:34] Bringing up a negative experience of someone they have worked with in the past that does something like you, a buying signal. [18:48] When people ask you to repeat the information, you have already given them a buying signal. [20:45] Nikki chats with a guy that attended one of her training seminars. [22:08] When someone asks you for a discount, it is a buying signal. [22:37] Follow up with an invitation even if you are not willing to give a discount. [24:09] When people make positive comments about your work or products, buying signals. [25:13] Nikki shares a conversation she had with a woman who started complimenting her training and how she followed through. [28:23] She chats about how she ended up with the lady as a client. [30:45] Get out there and start inviting people to work with you. [31:08] Do you need an antenna to recognize buying signals? [32:17] Nikki has one final story to share about buying signals. [34:12] Do you believe that if someone wants to hire you, they will let you know? [35:30] Invite people to take the next step with you; you might end up with new clients. [36:25] Go to the www.yoursalesmaven/maven to get the free download for the rest of the most missed buying signals. [37:19] Thank you for tuning in today! Find Nikki: Nikki Rausch Email @yoursalesmaven Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn Sales Maven Society To download free Resources from Nikki: