082: 5 Ways To Create Momentum in 2016
How often do you feel like you’re behind? That somehow you’re late to the race, to the party...that you’re not moving fast enough or good enough...or enough period! If you’ve ever felt that push, the anxiety, that feeling that you’re somehow not enough no matter what you do or how hard you push, then keep reading and listening! I love momentum. Momentum to me almost always feels like I’ve got so much amazing stuff to share that I can’t get it out fast enough… When I’m feeling momentum, I don’t get hung up on what I haven’t done yet, but I literally start taking massive action toward whatever big focus or goal I’m working toward. Momentum in your business might feel like: g your list is growing finally g people are interacting with your social media g people are emailing you g you’re easily responding to every request you get g you’re creating content without any “blank page syndrome” g everything feels easy and flowing g you’re finally spending time on the important things g you’re making money and it doesn’t feel like you killed yourself for it I’m telling you when things are buzzing along like this, running your business feels easier. You might be rolling your eyes right now, but I’m telling you these things because there is a way to kickstart momentum. Here are 5 ways to kickstart momentum ASAP! Have a happy 2016!