032: The Myth of Being Useful and How To Face It Head On
Do a search for creating useful content on google. There’s enough opinion and education on the topic to make your head… wait for it… Explode. And that’s pretty much what my head’s been doing since I first heard this phrase. Create useful content, Anne. Waking me up in the middle of night. Are you being USEFUL enough, Anne? And off and on this whole year I’d look at other people’s content and wonder… How the heck is THIS useful to the world? I started pulling apart every blog post I’d see, challenging it to be useful to me, which is hilarious because as you know there’s a lot of useless but fun info on the internet. And that’s when it hit me...about being useful...and why I wanted to dig in and discuss this moving target of being useful… In this week’s episode, I explore: What does being useful really mean in the context of your online business? Who decides if something is useful or trashable? Why is creating useful content a challenge to most online entrepreneurs? And...what do you need to know about your audience in order to get even close to figuring out what is useful for them on any given day? If you’ve ever wondered whether you’re being useful or not, listen to today’s episode of the Fearless Launching show and then leave me a comment below. Ok let’s dive in! Links To Dive Deeper Into This Topic Launch Toolkit Creating Social Substance (great article at the top of google's list!) Ep. 30 - Planning For Success (planning is all about knowing what your people want and need) Ep. 10 - How To Become A Better Teacher with Jennifer Louden (love Jen’s take on teaching, especially since that’s what all content really does - it teaches!)